Brandon and I ran a beautiful half-marathon this last weekend out in Pennsylvania. It could not have been better weather and we even got to do it together thanks to our fabulous babysitters! It was kind of a date of sorts, and it was REALLY special....
Two years ago when Brandon ran the half I looked like this:
about 7.5 months pregnant
Up to this point we'd always done our running and lifting training together, and so it was a very different experience just getting to be the cheerleader. It started to rain as we drove into the LeHigh Valley that morning and it didn't let up until well into the race. There were points when I'm sure the downpour was downright miserable. I know that he had to be sloshing around in his shoes based on how soaked and muddy he was by the end. And yet, every time I saw him throughout the checkpoints in the race, there was always a smile on his face. You see, Brandon made me a copy of the playlist that he was going to listen to for this race. I started listening to it as I watched him leave the starting line and I headed back to the car to see him at the next spectator point. It was an incredibly powerful experience, listening to the music and trying to envision what he might be feeling at that points in the run. Sure, it might have been a bit of the hormones, but I couldn't help but cry when I saw him, or heard one of his favorite songs come on. They were wonderful tears because I felt SO connected to his journey, even though I couldn't do this one with him.
and here we were this last Sunday, ready to do it again, together this time...
Brandon is training for the NYC marathon this fall and we decided to do this half-marathon as part of his preparations. It was also a great goal for me to work towards, my first big run since Warren was born almost 2 years ago. It's also my second EVER half-marathon and I'm super proud!
It took a lot of time and work to get me into shape to do this run. At some point during Warren's labor and delivery I dislocated my pelvis and couldn't walk unassisted. I left the hospital with a walker and had to start from scratch.
First it was building the strength to walk without the walker, go up and down stairs and then slowly build up to a fast walk. When I began jogging, it would only be for a few minutes and for really short distances. I would get really sore and had to listen closely to my body as when to let up and when I was ready to push forward.
So, it was a long road to get to the point where I could do this race. It was REALLY hard for me at times during this training, running is a very mental game for me and I'm often my own biggest roadblock. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to quit or give up and just stop. I couldn't have done it without my cheerleader and trainer. Thank you Brandon!!! You made the impossible possible - and what a beautiful feeling that is.
Just catching up. Way to go on the 1/2! So proud of you girl!