
A little bit about me

I have always felt like an artist at heart. Growing up in Alaska, I always envisioned myself “making a life” as an artist. I would spend countless hours at my bedroom desk drawing, doodling, and practicing various styles of calligraphy. A self-taught artist, I felt at home during this creative time and somehow thought my contribution to the world would be through my hands.

Although I loved creating art, I decided to pursue a more established career path when I went off to college at the University of Wyoming. I completed a degree in elementary education and competed as a Division I springboard and platform diver. After college, I taught students in grades 4th through 6th for 10 years. Although teaching was extremely rewarding, I continued to experiment with my art. I created handmade wedding invitations, baby announcements, Christmas and thank you cards, and I did specialized calligraphy work on footballs. I even had the great opportunity to illustrate a book for young athletes. All the while in the back of my mind I knew the artist in me was waiting to soar, to make a bigger leap with my art, to make that "dream" come true. We made a huge move out to the east coast in 2010 (a long way from family and friends) to push ourselves out of our comfort zones and challenge ourselves with new opportunities. Exhilarating and scary all at the same time!!

Shortly after our first year of living out east we became parents and becoming a mom for the first time completely changed my life perspective. I hope to be a mother who encourages my son to pursue his passions in life without reserve. So for reasons I am unaware of, becoming a mother has given me the confidence that I was lacking in before. I decided from that point forward in my life, I will live by those words that I will try to instill in my children. I love art – I love working with my hands – and I will BE an artist. 

I have recovered that youthful perspective I had on life and I see it reflected in my work. An optimist at heart, my art reflects my positive energy and cheerful outlook on life. I am constantly inspired by words and love to infuse my illustrations with text that echos the beauty of their meaning. I sincerely hope that my art inspires others to smile, live a good life, and to go after their dreams as well!

NOW for the FUN STUFF...
  • I was named after a Pink Floyd song, "Astronomy Domine" 
  • I met my soulmate, Brandon in my first few weeks of college. We've been inseparable ever since!
  • I've lived in Alaska, Wyoming, Arizona, Minnesota and New Jersey
  • I'm an aspiring children's book author and illustrator
  • I overuse exclamation points!!!!! 
  • I believe in the power of inspirational words and wisdom
  • I LOVE the color green even though it doesn't always look good on me
  • I am a crier. I cry when I'm happy, sad, inspired, listening to a really good song, watching a cheesy commericial.....
  • I think deja vu is a sign that you are on the right path...
  • I can make a mean bloody mary
  • I'm a bit of a perfectionist
  • We have two yorkies with two very unique personalities
  • I'm a lover of trees
  • I'm a wife, momma, daughter, sister, aunt, friend and an optimist


  1. You are also an amazing artist and have an incredible imagination :)

  2. I am so happy to find you blogging these days! Don't let the analysis slow down your doing... keep working on your art... you are great! Luv Ya Lots! Auntie M
