Friday, September 28, 2012

Christmas? already!?

Okay, I know what you're can't believe how long they've already had Halloween merchandise out and it's not even October yet. Well, I felt the same but it spurred me on to thinking about Christmas. Yes, Christmas! And to those of you that know me well, I'm a total Christmas nut! I love the music, the mood, the smells, the decorations.... I just love how it always brings me back to those feelings of childhood wonder and excitement.

I've gotten a jump start on some Christmas card designs for this year and I thought I'd give a little sneak peek!

My family, especially my mom, is super crafty and creative and she's always been great about giving handmade gifts. One year she made everyone a collection of Alaskan themed felt ornaments that were spectacular! This reindeer is my favorite and inspired one of my current designs.

I'm having fun playing around with layering my designs on cardstock and using a bit of a modern design in the background. I'm sure there is a faster way of doing the repetitive designs in Photoshop, but I love the handmade look I'm getting by doing it with colored pencil. There's just something a bit more special about something made by hand. A lesson I've learned from my mom.

Friday, September 21, 2012

you are infinite

I was going through some old photos on my phone the other day and came across this one:

I took it in Portland- the woman I was staying with had posted a bunch of these inspirational reminders around her home. They were an absolute DELIGHT and a gentle reminder to take pause and just enjoy your life, with all its' craziness and headaches and joy. Marinate in your beautiful, messy's yours after all!

And I don't know about you, but I tend to find these really great quotes and then write them down in journals, but then they just sit there, hidden. I LOVE her idea of posting them up on the walls- WHY NOT? I think some of these ideas need a little more space to breathe their wisdom into your life.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

evolution of a painting

Remember this painting? The one I decided to change up? 
I thought I'd share some photos of its evolution....

So I flipped it up-side down and went after this lotus flower idea that popped in my head. I had fun layering on some quinacridone red fluid paint and just loved the effects of dragging it down the canvas. Again, at this point I got a little stuck and had to set it aside for awhile. I didn't know what direction to head next until I saw a profile of a woman. She's on the right hand side in the top mountain edge, where the turquoise and brown meet . Do you see her?

I started to define her and it was like moves just kept happening one right after the other from this point on. I really got into a flow and love how things evolved. A circle became a moon (I've been painting a lot of those lately...hmmmm) and my stack of rocks changed some. The lotus grew roots and I kept my line of metallic dots from the original painting.

So hear it is, the final painting. I thought about calling it "Mountain Song," since my female figure really drove this piece towards its finale. But I decided on "Lotus Rain" instead.
Lotus Rain
18x24 acrylic on canvas

Hear are a couple close-ups in some areas:

I etched the word 'believe' in the sky above the lotus. I love how delicate it is and you really have to be close to see it.

I really struggled at points in this painting because I wanted it to be more ME. And I think the frustration and layers upon layers paid off, because this feels right, it feels like me. I think I had to dig deeper into some of my own layers to find it and release it. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Brandon and I ran a beautiful half-marathon this last weekend out in Pennsylvania. It could not have been better weather and we even got to do it together thanks to our fabulous babysitters! It was kind of a date of sorts, and it was REALLY special....

Two years ago when Brandon ran the half I looked like this:
about 7.5 months pregnant

Up to this point we'd always done our running and lifting training together, and so it was a very different experience just getting to be the cheerleader. It started to rain as we drove into the LeHigh Valley that morning and it didn't let up until well into the race. There were points when I'm sure the downpour was downright miserable. I know that he had to be sloshing around in his shoes based on how soaked and muddy he was by the end. And yet, every time I saw him throughout the checkpoints in the race, there was always a smile on his face. You see, Brandon made me a copy of the playlist that he was going to listen to for this race. I started listening to it as I watched him leave the starting line and I headed back to the car to see him at the next spectator point. It was an incredibly powerful experience, listening to the music and trying to envision what he might be feeling at that points in the run. Sure, it might have been a bit of the hormones, but I couldn't help but cry when I saw him, or heard one of his favorite songs come on. They were wonderful tears because I felt SO connected to his journey, even though I couldn't do this one with him.

and here we were this last Sunday, ready to do it again, together this time...
Brandon is training for the NYC marathon this fall and we decided to do this half-marathon as part of his preparations. It was also a great goal for me to work towards, my first big run since Warren was born almost 2 years ago. It's also my second EVER half-marathon and I'm super proud! 

It took a lot of time and work to get me into shape to do this run. At some point during Warren's labor and delivery I dislocated my pelvis and couldn't walk unassisted. I left the hospital with a walker and had to start from scratch. 

First it was building the strength to walk without the walker, go up and down stairs and then slowly build up to a fast walk. When I began jogging, it would only be for a few minutes and for really short distances. I would get really sore and had to listen closely to my body as when to let up and when I was ready to push forward. 

So, it was a long road to get to the point where I could do this race. It was REALLY hard for me at times during this training, running is a very mental game for me and I'm often my own biggest roadblock. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to quit or give up and just stop. I couldn't have done it without my cheerleader and trainer. Thank you Brandon!!! You made the impossible possible - and what a beautiful feeling that is.

Friday, September 7, 2012

the journey

It's that time of year again.... fall is in the air and the kids are returning to school.

I've had mixed emotions as another school year is about to begin.  After teaching for 10 years, it's just in your blood, a part of me will always be a teacher. I look fondly back at my years in the classroom and a part of me craves that.

found this on pinterest, 
but couldn't find it's creator to credit :-(

On the other hand, I feel incredibly lucky to be giving my artistic dreams a REAL go. This is an opportunity of a lifetime and I am blessed by the support of my husband, family and friends. Figuring out who I am as an artist is not an easy task, and part of the battle right now is finding the strength to be patient with myself.  I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist and I can be very hard on myself. I want things to be perfect right off the bat, and I'm having to release those expectations for myself. I'm trying to let the process unfold, and I find that one tiny step always moves me in the forward direction, even if I decide to change something later. The emotional roller coaster that ensues during this process is frustrating, and yet incredibly rewarding. I work so hard on a piece for hours and days, only to look at it later and decide I hate it. Then moments of clarity move me through to a place where I find I'm digging deep and revealing 'the good stuff' I had buried somewhere inside me. I think the more I'm able to get in touch with that part of me the more I'll feel that artistic flow. It's going to take time though, time and practice...and I have to be okay with that. Be in the moment, learn from it, and trust in my choices.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

drawing with the little guy

Yes, that is just one shoe on....and could that sleepy hair be any cuter?

What could be funner than drawing with a 21 month old?    Nothing! :-)

Warren has apparently outgrown his usual crayon collection, and now prefers trying out the pens and markers. He just loves taking off the lids and then putting them back on when he's done. (Which I'm incredibly lucky that he does - otherwise I can only imagine the messes I'd be trying to clean up!)

It's fun to watch him make marks, get excited and then try something new....and what a wonderful reminder to stay loose and enjoy the creative process.

I can only imagine all the fun we'll have as we dive into future art projects....