Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wow! It's been too long!

Hello All! 

Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted anything over here on the blog! I'm ashamed when I look at how long it's been! But a lot has happened this past year. I went back to teaching this year while I managed to keep up with bits and pieces of art along the way. Although, I have to admit I didn't get to as much as I wanted. I dove into multiple paintings this summer with great gusto, working on some really large and small pieces at the same time. 

A couple of Crabs.... 8x10's

Crab close-up

Winged Seahorse 24" x 48"

some up-close detail 

Another piece in progress....36" x 36"

And there are other fun ideas I have for some new art that are in the development phase right now.....SUPER EXCITED!!

On the home front, we are always enjoying the constant growth of our little Warren. He'll be 4 this fall and his personality is just blossoming! We're astounded by his imagination and curiosity for the world around him. I think we hear the phrase, "Mommy/Daddy what _____ mean?" about 30 times a day. And as all you parents know, those are not always easy questions to answer. 

Warren posing in front of some of his class's art during their Summer Art Show

Hamming it up with one of Daddy's crabs

AND.........We're eagerly anticipating the arrival of a little boy this Sept/early Oct. Warren keeps saying, "I'm gonna be the BEST big brother!"  We've been fairly quiet about the entire pregnancy, after experiencing multiple miscarriages, but are very excited about the addition to our family. It's hard to imagine how exactly the family dynamics might change, but I can't tell you how excited we are to meet our little guy.

A couple weeks ago out in the Outer Banks

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